lunes, 18 de abril de 2011

Puebla libre de coches / Puebla free from cars

Puebla limpia, siliciosa, segura, sana y libre de carros. Por primera vez en los 15 años que llevo en esta bella ciudad mexicana, no soy la única loca recorriendo sus calles en bicicleta.
Clean, quiet, safe, healthy and free of cars Puebla. For the first time in 15 years I've been in this beautiful Mexican city, I'm not the only crazy person riding bicicle on the streets.

Esta hermosa ciudad, cuyo casco colonial es Patrimonio Cultural de la Humanidad,
por fín puede ser recorrida humanamente al aire libre.
This beautiful city, whose old colonial downtown is Cultural Heritage of Humanity,
at last can be enjoy outdoors in a human way.

Grupos con iniciativas deportistas y ganas de promover el sano compartir,
se reunieron en este recorrido, ofreciendo distintas actividades.
Groups with sports initiatives met on this journey

offering various activities.

Limpio, silencioso y seguro Centro Histórico de Puebla.
Clean, quiet and safe Historic Downtown of Puebla.
Descubrí bellos momumentos en áreas comunmente rodeadas del caos de tráfico.
I descovered beautiful monuments in areas that are ussually surrounded by the chaos of traffic.

Gente caminando, patinando, trotando, en bicicleta,
People walking, rollerskating, jogging, cycling

Música y ejercicio al pié de la monumental catedral
Music and exercise by the monumental cathedral

Hasta los más falderos salieron de paseo...

Paseo a Ciegas ofrece en bicicletas "tandem" una experiencia inolvidable a personas con
discapacidades visuales ó motoras.
"Paseo a Ciegas" offers on tandem bikes an unforgettable experience for people with visual or motor disabilities.

Disfrutando con tranquilidad de sus hermosas coloniales calles.
Calmilly enjoying its beautiful colonial streets.

Esperamos que éstos grupos sigan reuniéndose y creciendo cada domingo,

entre 8:00 y 12:00 en las avenidas Juarez y Reforma.
We hope that these groups continue meetting and growing every Sunday,
between 8:00 and 12:00 in Juarez and Reforma avenues.

lunes, 11 de abril de 2011

Basic Industrial Design Exercices

Industrial Design, Projects II

These group of students of second semester, designed a hand held luminary, based in an abstract composition from an insect or a reptile.

The process started from positive and negative compositions,
aplication of textures,
color sensibilization,
color wheel and aplication of color to the composition.
Before starting 3D, they aplied their 2D design to a kite.
Fixing and flying the kites.
After studying hand ergonomics and grips,
Miguel Angel Larraza design this versatile, universal hand held luminary.